Our Oil From Our Soil Philosophy
Oil Palm Uganda Limited, a BUL subsidiary based on Kalangala Island, signed an agreement
with the Uganda Government to undertake an integrated palm oil project on the island in the
year 2002. Kalangala Oil Palm Project was and still is part of the Ugandan Government
Vegetable Oil Development Project (VODP) initiative geared towards increasing vegetable oil
production in Uganda. The project is supported by IFAD and the World Bank with BUL and Wilmar
Plantations playing a major role.
The Farm to Table Philosophy is initiated from the pre-nursery stage. Palm seedlings imported
from renowned producers of palm hybrid seeds are placed at the pre-nursery stage. BUL monitors
the process rigorously, through to the nursery stage where all practices are in strict
conformity with best agricultural practices. BUL's conformity guarantees that procedures
such as pruning and the eventual harvesting, lead to fruits with an abundance of oil. This is
then moved to the factory where through a series of processes, high quality fats, oils and
hygiene products are manufactured.