The project is located in the southern region of Uganda, close to the town Kasasa and Kakuuto, at Kyotera District. The Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) for the period 2009-2022 was derived to be 1339 mm.
OSBL has a No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation (NDPE) policy and the information and policy documents have been reviewed by HCV Africa as part of the Due Diligence requirements of the HCV HCS integrated assessment. The government had identified and leased to company with total area 14,372 Ha, which categorize plant able area 11,204 Ha and HCV-HCS area 3,168 Ha.

In April 2022 OSBL has commissioned HCV Africa to investigate the pre-feasibility and scoping phase of a high conservation value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessment for a proposed oil palm concession. The scoping study was performed and the full assessment was conducted in September 2022 after the wet season, when access to the natural areas of the concession had improved as areas dried up.
Environmental and social impact Assessment has completed and approved by NEMA on 27 April 2023. Further more Water Abstraction and FFIC (Free Prion and Informed Consent) process-consultation has been completed with all stake holders in June 2023.

Areas previously occupied by sugarcane plantations were further noted to be highly infested with nuisance, non-native vegetation including extensive stands of Mimosa and Lantana. In conclusion, the habitat in the project area was classified as disturbed and modified from reference condition with remaining natural habitats largely restricted to the temporary swamp forest habitats. OSBL expected to get its final approval December’2023 and plantation development work will start in early months of 2024.